You’re Tripping, Get Out of Your Own Way

On March 14, 2016, I got really real with myself. I finally admitted that all of the excuses, all of the valid reasons I’d created, and all of the perceived barriers to my progress were false. I admitted that even though I’d experienced success in some areas of my life, there were other areas where I really sucked. I was failing miserably at taking care of myself and struggling to feel happy about my body. I finally admitted that no one or thing was in my way. I admitted that the big size 9 foot that I kept tripping over was my own. Once I admitted it, I forgave myself and decided that it was time to change my story. And, after a while, I realized that me and Fannie Lou Hamer had so much in common. I was seriously sick and tired of throwing my own pity parties every time I woke up feeling sick and tired.

Yes, acknowledgement was one of the most difficult steps to take. But, what was even more difficult than admitting that I was in my own way, was actually getting out of my own way.

In an attempt to pass on some of my infinite wisdom (joke) to you, I’d like to share these 3 steps to getting out of your own way:

  1. Slow down. I know you’ve heard people say that life is a journey, not a destination; a marathon, not a sprint. This is true. It really is. The process to your destiny is one that is steeped in your experiences. We must experience every day as it comes and when we don’t we end up missing an essential lesson or opportunity for growth. We get in our own way when we’re running too quickly through the experience of life. Take your time. Pace yourself. Think about your journey to get to this point. What have you learned? What growth have you experienced? What do you notice about yourself now that is different than the past? Have you had trouble incorporating new perspectives that may help you? Are you resisting change? Slowing down is essentially learning to experience life as it comes & reflecting throughout the journey. This helps us with acceptance & learning to feel, express, cope, & problem solve.
  2. Watch your step. In other words. Pay attention. We are surrounded, constantly, by warning signs, roadblocks, revelations, great epiphanies, helpers, & messages that will help us find our way. Often, we’re so busy moving that we do not observe our surroundings. Sometimes we continue to desire and pray for things that have already been shown to us in several ways, yet we missed it. Our eyes are closed when they should be wide open. Let this be the year you move forward with your eyes open. You will be surprised at what you begin to notice, what doors are seemingly opening just for you, and the people who have been standing right by your side all along ready and willing to help/support you.
  3. Travel light. The more I travel, the more I realize that I don’t need to pack many items for trips. I’ve learned to travel light because ultimately I realize that my travel experience is ultimately about all of the new people I’ll encounter, the cultures & customs that will be exposed, and the unforgettable memories made. It’s less about having my favorite pair of jeans or shoes to match every outfit. And after one instance of taking items out of my checked suitcase because it weighed too much, I knew I needed to learn how to pack light. Some of us have bags that are too heavy & over our allotted weight. We need to take out the items we don’t need or no longer serve us. Whether it’s excuses, an antiquated mindset or anger and bitterness, life is checking your bags and they’re too heavy. It’s time to lighten your load.

I’m more focused now than ever before to live my best life & I really desire the same for you. In order for that to happen, we need to get & stay out of our own way. Your destiny is ready for you.

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